Testemunhas de Jeová (jw.org) - One United People

We watch the storm clouds gather
We’ve seen the signs before
The wind of persecution
Is no stranger to our door
We will face each test with courage
With Jehovah standing near
And ‘no weapon formed against us’
Will give any cause for fear

We are one united people
Though we come from ev’ry land
We are standing firm together
For Jehovah makes us stand
For Jehovah makes us stand

We wait with calm assurance
For Jehovah, the Most High—
The God of our salvation
Whose love will never die
He will never leave his people
And his spirit makes us strong
No, our enemies won’t break us
To Jehovah we belong!

We are one united people
Though we come from ev’ry land
We are standing firm together
For Jehovah makes us stand

We stand firm together
Unafraid, we face the crowd
And these hearts that beat within us
We have given to our God

We are one united people
Though we come from ev’ry land
We are standing firm together
For Jehovah makes us stand
For Jehovah makes us stand